5 Reasons Why You’re Not Making Any Money Online

This is a letter from your Online Business Doctor, I’m writing to share the result of your recent diagnosis. We’ve finally figured out why you are not making money online despite what looks like your best effort. If you’ve been trying to crack the internet money code for a while now without any luck, I’m […]

Written By Godson

On May 21, 2024
___________ Updated May 23, 2024 @ 1:59 pm

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This is a letter from your Online Business Doctor, I’m writing to share the result of your recent diagnosis.

We’ve finally figured out why you are not making money online despite what looks like your best effort.

If you’ve been trying to crack the internet money code for a while now without any luck, I’m sure it’s because of one of these 5 reasons

You may be lying to yourself about what the real reason is but I want you – for once in your life – to take responsibility

People are depending on you to succeed

You owe it to yourself, and your family to hit a home run and to do it sooner than later

The people we love, I am talking about those who we want to see us win, are not going to be with us forever

When will you spoil your mum, dad, and family with special gifts?

When will you be able to help your friends in need?

The earlier you take responsibility, the quicker and less painful your success will be

That’s the first reason why 99% of people never make money online.

Everything else is to blame except them. They show…



If you think the coach, the course, the book, or the system you tried is the reason you didn’t succeed, you are on this boat.

100% responsibility for your outcomes – even though it seems unfair – is what is required for success.

Without this mindset, you’re never going to make it.

The world of online money looks attractive but isn’t merciful to people who look for what to blame other than themselves.

You must be humble enough to accept responsibility for your outcomes, otherwise, your financial illness won’t get any better



Accepting responsibility for your actions is not enough to get you out of the rut, you need to take the hard decision to take continuous action and to never give up.

Some people blame themselves into depression. That is not what I am asking you to do.

What I meant was that if you don’t see yourself as totally responsible for your outcomes – you’ll never be in control of your destiny and thus, your finances, but you must not dwell there.

You need to move on and keep trying to reach your goals with the mindset that you’ll succeed.

Kill self-sabotaging beliefs holding you back. Stop doubting your abilities. You can do it.

If it doesn’t work once, twice, a million times, doesn’t mean you have failed. You only fail when you give up!



Stop wishing someone would just hand you your desires without any work.

If you want to make money online from scratch, there’s a lot of work to be done.

You can’t wish it away and nobody is going to do it for you.

There’s nobody on the planet that is coming to save you.

You must stop the attitude of looking for the easy way out every time.

You need to figure out the type of online business you can enjoy working hard on and do that.

Nothing is easy. Just make up your mind to do HARD, if that’s what it takes to achieve your goals.



Success takes time.

The reason many people don’t succeed is that they keep jumping from one opportunity to another.

You need to sit your ass down and actually build something.

Stop pursuing different opportunities. Pick one and focus on it.

Understand that you will fail many times, but that’s not really failure. See them as lessons to be learned.

Besides, it’s better to fail than do nothing because you’ll be one step ahead of people who did nothing by the time you come out of it.



80% of people learn, keep learning, and continue learning without doing anything about what they learned.

They might make logically sound excuses like my kids are a handful, I don’t have time, I don’t have the money, among others.

Let’s call those statements out for what they truly are – BIG FAT EXCUSES.

Success likes speed, success loves execution.

You can talk all day, and learn all day, if you do nothing, then you’ve learned nothing because nobody can teach you – 

It’s your experience that trains you.

You don’t know it until you’ve done it.

You can either remain a spectator or you can join other players on the field.

I know I promised to give 5 reasons, but I couldn’t stop myself from adding this 6th reason because it’s that important…

So here you go –



As with any venture, you need a lot of gut to follow your dreams. It takes confidence to believe even when all evidence points in the opposite direction, that you can achieve it.

This shortage in confidence comes from not having exposure to the right information and mentors.

Everything changes when you find the right information and/or the right person.

You become unstoppable because you feel secure.

Yes, you’ll still have to do the work, but you’ll get a powerful form of confidence that can’t be explained. This will change your life.

I know this isn’t an exhaustive list, but if you deal with these points today… I guarantee that you’ll be in a much better place soon.

Which point most appeals to you? Tell me in the comment section.

Fix These 3 Things. And You’ll Change Your Life FAST

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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