Increasing donations or survey responses is a difficult task even for good marketers
That’s because there is nothing tangible the prospects get when they take action
Anyways, if you’re looking for a strategy to increase donations or survey responses, you’re not hopeless because…
I am about to share a strategy that will give your donation box a boost
And help you motivate even a lazy audience to provide useful feedback without resorting to bribes
But before I share this strategy with you, I want you to take a look at the image below and tell me what type of image you think it is

Apple’s survey ad
You might say it’s a notification modal on Apple’s website
Ehn… While that’s not entirely wrong. It’s a lot more than that
What you’re looking at is a carefully crafted ad, by a very savvy marketer
I know many people won’t realize this… even some experienced advertisers.
But that’s not what I’m here to talk about
I want us to focus on an important selling emotion used in this ad.
That is… exclusivity!
You see, to get people to take action (marketing), you need to sell emotionally
You always have to appeal to a core emotion because your prospect will only respond based on an emotional reason
And it doesn’t matter what you’re selling.
It could be a physical product, a digital product, a donation, or like in this case, a survey.
Generally, getting people to take action when running adverts is difficult because you have to hit the emotional hot buttons.
And you and I know that the difficulty level goes up a notch when the action is to fill out a survey or make a charitable donation.
This is because you are asking people to exchange their time or money for nothing tangible in return
Some marketers will try to bait people into taking surveys with the promise of “the possibility of winning something after”
Not this advertiser. He knows how to get people to respond by focusing all his efforts on evoking the right emotion.
I have also seen a few other pro marketers do this.
They sell – Exclusivity.
Exclusivity has many definitions.
In fact, there is a marketing concept called Exclusive Positioning
That’s not the same as what I am talking about
In this regard, exclusivity refers to the desire to belong to a group of a select few privileged enough to access something.
It is such a powerful emotion because one of humans’ primary needs is to belong.
This is the same reason why cults are able to dominate people’s attention and take all their time and money (that’s a story for another day)

Apple’s survey ad
Looking at this ad, it mentions that “You are invited to take part in a short survey”.
That’s a nice way to make filling out the survey sound exclusive, and I am willing to bet that it will outperform a different but similar ad that says “We would like to hear from you” (What 99.99% of companies say.)
But we are not satisfied with just outperforming. Are we?
We want to stand head and shoulders above… So let’s take it up a notch.
To make it sound even more exclusive, we could say something like…
“You are ONE OF THE FEW invited to take part in a short survey”.
This would elicit a better response from the audience without a shadow of a doubt.
So think of ways you can apply exclusivity to make more sales and command more attention in your business.
Tell me all about it in the comment section. I want to hear from you.