The Dirty Secret Pro-Marketers Use To Get People To Buy Things That Don’t Directly Benefit Them

Humans are selfish That’s why one of the hardest tasks in marketing is getting someone to do something that benefits another person A parent for a child. A child for the parent. Getting voluntary donations Etc. You might think it’s not so until you see the examples I’ll share. To get someone to do something, […]

Written By Godson

On January 23, 2025
___________ Updated January 23, 2025 @ 11:21 am

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Humans are selfish

That’s why one of the hardest tasks in marketing is getting someone to do something that benefits another person

A parent for a child.

A child for the parent.

Getting voluntary donations


You might think it’s not so until you see the examples I’ll share.

To get someone to do something, anything… You need them to want to do it.

So marketing is designed to tempt the prospects into wanting to take action

What are the common ways to tempt people you know?


But to tempt people to do something for someone else,

You can’t tempt them with any of those.

You need to use a different strategy, which I am about to share with you.

But first…

Let’s assume you run a gift store, and your intention is to get men to buy special jewelry for their wives.

If you put up an ad that basically says… Gifts for her.

You might make some sales, depending on how fierce the market is.

The major buyers would be people who have been thinking about getting their wives a gift.

And as strange as it sounds, make up only a small percentage of men.

To reach the main market of men and pull in record-breaking sales…

A seasoned marketer would weaponize the emotion – guilt.

By saying something like… “When last did you offer a sincere, heartfelt appreciation to your wife that she felt?” She does a lot of things behind the scenes to ensure your life and family run smoothly, but 90% of the time, women feel neglected and unappreciated… Simple praise is great, but beyond mere words of appreciation, a carefully chosen gift is worth a thousand words. Here is one I am sure she would love.”

You see the difference?

By putting it this way, you can emotionally hijack the prospect and trigger their desire to get a gift. And, of course, you’ll be the first store they visit since your brand is still fresh in their minds.

The End.

I hope you found it valuable.

But here’s what I think you’ll find even more valuable… Attending our ATAB workshop titled – Better Copywriting In One Afternoon.

It’s a LIVE workshop, so you can ask questions at the end.

And the best part is that you can attend for free.

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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