Print Money With The “A” Asset Class

This not-so-obvious “A” Asset class has made more millionaires than anything else in the world. I know that is a big claim. But as you’ll soon see, it’s true. We all know that to attain wealth you need to own assets, but only a few recognize this asset for what it is. You are probably […]

Written By Godson

On May 24, 2024
___________ Updated June 2, 2024 @ 7:37 pm

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This not-so-obvious “A” Asset class has made more millionaires than anything else in the world.

I know that is a big claim. But as you’ll soon see, it’s true.

We all know that to attain wealth you need to own assets, but only a few recognize this asset for what it is.

You are probably wondering whether it’s… A Business, Bitcoin, Real estate, etc

But what I am about to show you is a different kind of asset.

This asset is so simple to grow which is why it has created the highest number of millionaires in the world.

Once you know what it is, you begin to think differently about wealth creation and money.

This asset is the reason why Elon Musk, Mr. Beast, and Others have been making a boatload of money…

Let me spare you the suspense.

The asset class I’m referring to is AUDIENCE.


What Is An Audience?

Let’s start with the definition on Wikipedia

An audience is a group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, literature, theatre, music, video games, or academics in any medium

I like this definition because it uses the words “group of people”.

You see, anybody who can focus the attention of a group of people for a common interest, has built an audience.

It doesn’t matter where, when, or how.

What matters is that the group pays attention.

For instance, billions of viewers watch football (soccer) games.

That’s why there’s a lot of money in that industry

It’s the same for the entertainment industry – Music, Movies, Reality shows, Talk shows and Comedy

Take Oprah Winfrey for example… she has a global audience of viewers

It’s no surprise that she is estimated to be worth $3 Billion

I guess by now you are getting my drift.

Another good example is Mr. Beast, The American Youtuber, who is worth an estimated $500 Million

Once you can get the attention of people online or offline, you have something that not only creates wealth but also creates power, if you know how to use it


Why Is An Audience So Valuable?

The simple answer is Advertising.

I know football games are entertaining to watch

But what you must notice from henceforth are the ads on the sideboards, commercials in between breaks, and the sponsor’s logo on the shirts of the players.

The fact of the matter is that there are so many other forms of advertising in football and any other sport.

Major advertisers on any Golf commercial are luxury watch brands like Rolex…


Because wealthy and affluent people play and watch the sport.

The exact audience these brands are intent on selling to.

So the number of people in an audience and the niche of that audience determines how much it is perceived to be worth

Let me drive home my point.

On social media platforms like YouTube, content creators get a share of the advertising revenue generated from their videos

Their incomes are proportional to the number & quality of viewers their videos attracted

To make even more money, they might insert a sponsored message from another brand

They might promote their own products – which could be physical or digital

This is the way content creators make money across all other platforms (including blogs)

I believe by now you have a full picture of what an audience is and why it is very profitable

But that’s not the only thing you can do with an audience. There are…


Other Kinds Of Promotions

An audience is not only good for adverts.

An audience can also be used to exert power and dominion

To spread ideas (good or bad)

To influence people’s choices

To stage revolutions and bring change

Politicians know this very well and they use it to drive their ambitions

Some of them build massive audiences, while others leverage the audiences of others

So let’s discuss the steps for…


Building An Audience

It’s not enough to know that you can create wealth by owning an audience.

You need to know how.

But before you do anything, start by choosing your platform:

Where will you build your audience? (Email subscribers, blog, or social media)

Yes, you can have a mix of different platforms, but it’s important to focus on one platform at the start.

Give 80% of your attention to that platform

The easiest way to choose a platform is to observe what you’re most comfortable with

If you’re comfortable on camera; YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are good options to pick from.

If you prefer writing; blogging, X (formally Twitter), are good options.

Now that you’ve chosen a platform, here are your next steps…


Create And Share High-Quality Content

Choose 3 – 5 different topics you know very well and start creating content around them.

Check the similar content, already doing very well, and try to model your after them

Always remember, when it comes to content, quality > quantity.


Engage And Interact With Your Audience

Content is meant to add value to the audience, that’s the reason they will follow you

Respond to comments and messages, engage in small talk, and make it fun

Share content that encourages conversations.

Carry your audience along when choosing new content to create


Grow Your Audience

To grow your audience, you must optimize for discoverability

One of the ways to do this is to collaborate with other influencers, and content creators in your niche

Use Social Media Optimization techniques when creating content

Every social media platform has its algorithm, and you need to know what it likes.

If you have a blog, apply SEO techniques to grow your organic readership

Doing these will help you reach new audiences and get more followers


Monetizing Your Audience

Earlier in this article, I explained that advertising is the main way to monetize an audience

I would like to take it a step further here.

To monetize your audience, you have 3 main revenue streams:

Ads and Sponsorship: Partner with brands for sponsored content or allow ads on your platforms

Affiliate Marketing: Promote products and services that your audience can benefit from and earn a commission

Product Sales: Sell your own products. This could be a digital product, e.g. information products or physical merchandise

Again, you can mix-match these different revenue streams to make even more money.


Wrapping It Up

We’ve seen that an audience can be a cash asset

We probably all know this one way or the other

What stops most people from building an audience is themselves.

So don’t miss this opportunity to build your audience and impact others.

I hope you found this useful.

Have fun!

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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