Lead Generation: How To Attract Qualified Leads

I’m guessing you’re here because want to up your lead generation game. In this article, I’ll reveal a very powerful lead-generation strategy that many businesses overlook. And that’s good news for us… let’s hope they continue to ignore it. I will start by telling you why implementing this other approach is important for your business, […]

Written By Godson

On May 24, 2024
___________ Updated May 26, 2024 @ 11:05 am

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I’m guessing you’re here because want to up your lead generation game.

In this article, I’ll reveal a very powerful lead-generation strategy that many businesses overlook.

And that’s good news for us… let’s hope they continue to ignore it.

I will start by telling you why implementing this other approach is important for your business, before sharing the details of the different lead generation strategies.


Why You Need To Use This New Approach?

Lead generation is important to any business

But what is more important than lead generation itself is the QUALITY of the leads

If you keep struggling with low-quality contacts, you will become frustrated soon.

When you apply this new approach, the average quality of your leads will go up significantly

In fact, leads gotten this way are 10.4x more likely to close than leads gotten from cold outreaches.

Even though they are new leads, they are about the same quality as a referral.

They close quickly. Don’t haggle back and forth

The type of lead everyone wants.

So what type of lead generation gives us this kind of result?

That’s what I am about to share with you in this article.

When it comes to lead generation, there are two broad types of marketing strategies – 

The first is…


Outbound Lead Generation

This is the type of lead generation most of us are familiar with.

It covers every outreach activity we engage in to get leads using advertisements.

All forms of traditional ads, cold calls, etc. fall under this category.

These efforts usually help us get leads on demand.

They are a pay-to-play kind of system.

So for example, you put out an ad in your local newspaper (if that’s still a thing) or…

More realistically, on social media, that says…

“Sell Your Home In 24 Hours”

Let’s assume that you got 100 responses from this ad because it has a big promise.

If we base our calculation on industry averages, you can close around 2% of these leads

Because they are COLD.

They’ve never heard of you before and trust has not been established.

2% isn’t bad if you’ve designed your marketing system correctly and your business model has healthy margins.

So we know outbound is good… But how much of our marketing efforts should fall under this category?

Well, you’ll find out soon.

But not before we talk about the second type of Lead Generation…


Inbound Lead Generation

Inbound marketing works with what I call –  Reverse Logic.

It’s the type of strategy that gives before it asks.

So instead of chasing leads and prospects around,

You get them reaching out to you themselves.

Just like referrals.

And I’m guessing you know that when someone reaches out to you themselves;

  • They are darn serious about getting your help
  • They are typically cash-ready to buy
  • They are much easier to close

So why is no one talking about this type of lead-generation activity?

Well, because it used to be more difficult to execute.

In some cases, you need to have an established brand.

And brand advertising has always been expensive. (Until now)

Another reason is that the results don’t come in immediately after you do the work – since we’re in a generation of instant gratification – people can’t wait for that.

An inbound marketing strategy would normally include Search Engine Optimization, Brand awareness adverts, Authority amplifiers, Content marketing (e.g. Videos, Blog posts, Social media), and other not-so-sexy stuff.

But if you get it right, you’ll keep getting high-quality leads that turn into high-paying customers for the foreseeable future.

A study revealed that inbound marketing produces 54% more leads than other strategies

Unlike outbound marketing, 84% of marketers using Inbound strategies see a positive ROI

The best part is that you don’t have to continue to pay to play

You do the work once and reap the rewards twice.

These kinds of leads have closing rates as high as 12%.

And the good news is that…

With the current level of technology available, it is easier than you think to do all the non-sexy inbound marketing stuff now.

I’ll tell you more about this in just a minute.

Right now – The big question is…


Which Strategy Should You Use –  Inbound vs Outbound Lead Generation?

The answer is both.

It is criminal to depend on one lead source – Yeah, it is right there in section 19 of the marketing book of law (written by yours truly)

All that is to say that it is important to have both strategies at play in your business.

Your business will not only grow significantly, but you’ll also enjoy a more consistent revenue

Cool right?

So now it is your responsibility to…


Start Generating Leads Using The New Approach

There are 3 things I think are probably true about you:

  • You are reading this article on your phone, laptop, or some form of electronic device.
  • You know that you can benefit from applying inbound and outbound lead generation in your business
  • And you want to start applying them to get new leads and customers in your business

That is why I‘ve created the Customer Acquisition ENGINE™.

It’s a video course that helps you generate qualified leads… without having to wade through complicated tech or suffer through boring setups.

Inside you’ll get 7 simple techniques for generating high-quality leads and making sales.

Each technique can be completed in 45 minutes or less and…

You don’t have to use all 7 to see results – Each one is powerful and can produce results independently

You also won’t need to hire anybody (except if you want to) because it’s almost tech-free and as simple as it gets.

And… Oh, the best part is that you don’t have to pay money to promote your business using these systems (they are free!) at least for 6 of them.

The 7th is paid, but it’s pennies on the dollar for the kind of results you’d be getting.

It’s likely you don’t know them or don’t know how to use them correctly, or you likely wouldn’t be here right now.

Do yourself, your business, and future generations a big favor and watch every single video inside.

If you would like me to work with you 1-ON-1 to design a comprehensive 90-day marketing strategy, you can Schedule a consulting session

Let me know your thoughts, and questions (if any) in the comment section.

Have fun!

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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