How To Sell Info Products As A Beginner Without Testimonials, Following Or Credibility

In this article, I want to reveal some strategies for marketing info products as a starter without… …Testimonials …Following …Credibility Although, I specifically mentioned Info business, the strategies I will reveal can work for any business promotion. I want you to keep that in mind as we continue. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.   […]

Written By Godson

On June 7, 2024
___________ Updated January 9, 2025 @ 3:18 pm

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In this article, I want to reveal some strategies for marketing info products as a starter without…




Although, I specifically mentioned Info business, the strategies I will reveal can work for any business promotion.

I want you to keep that in mind as we continue.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in.


What You Need To Succeed In Business

To succeed in business you need to make sales.

And lots of it; except you’re selling high-ticket items

Most starters are selling low-ticket anyway

To do this successfully, you need testimonials, you also need an audience or at least money to buy access to other people’s audiences.

These are things beginners don’t have lots of.

Thankfully, there are 3 simple strategies for finding your feet.

Before we talk about them, I want us to discuss why you need authority, social proof, and an audience.


The Reason Why

You need these things because they form the reason why your solution works

When building out your marketing copy, it is standard practice to include a mechanism

Mechanism describes HOW your product works

But mechanisms can’t stand on their own

You have to show that your “how” actually works to eliminate skepticism

“How did you find the solution?”

“What qualifies you to find it?”

“Has it been proven to work?”

All these are the kinds of questions your prospective buyers think of when they read your copy

And you have to provide answers if you’re hoping to make the sale.

So here are three (3) ways to wield authority and validate claims in your marketing.

The first one is…


Your Case Study

Information products show people how to solve problems they have

Hopefully, this is a problem you’ve solved for yourself.

Once you’ve done it, you’re qualified to teach other people how to go about it

Instead of looking for external validation

Create your marketing on the authority of your own experience.

For instance, if you’ve figured out a specific recipe that helped you lose 20 kg

That case study is enough to validate the mechanism of your promotion

I know you may not feel comfortable sharing your personal story online

And that’s fine.

You can share the same story in the third person

This helps you validate the mechanism while keeping your identity a secret.

But keep in mind that your story or case study is a powerful way to sell to people who were in a similar situation.


Borrowed Authority

Borrowed authority is what pro marketers love to use.

You can take advantage of the authority of anything.

For instance, A stat you found online.

A big press release from a notable company

Currently trending topic

Predictions and forecasts

Other experts



The list is endless.

So how does it work?

One way is to look for information that supports the claims you’re making and integrate them into your copy

You are basically saying “Look, this reputable brand is saying the same thing as me, so I must be correct on the other things I am saying”

For example…

If I am selling a product that teaches people how to survive a nuclear attack…

A big news flash from BBC or CNN about tensions between the US and Russia would be helpful

I could also find a prediction around survival rates if one were to happen

And the list goes on.

I hope you’re getting the gist.

The second method is to get an actual expert to be the face of the product directly or indirectly

Here’s what I mean

How much easier to sell, do you think it will be if I said

“I have consulted with a NASA chief, who has helped map out the trajectory of the bombs and the extent of damage to come up with a list of only 17 places on earth that would be safe and habitable should the bombs explode?”

I guess, you answered… A lot

By doing this, I’ve borrowed the authority of the NASA chief

Including his name will make it stronger

And I’ve also created a USP in the process.

Unique selling proposition — Why the prospect should buy from me and no one else.

That’s how powerful borrowing authority can be.

I know there are several other ways to do this

But I will leave that gist for another day.

Let’s move to the third strategy which is…


Start A Test Group

If you are hellbent on using your testimonials and building authority from there

Then you can create a test group

To do this, you can either give out your product or sell it at a low price in exchange for a testimonial.

This is a reasonable approach if your product can deliver results quickly

Otherwise, it’s an easy way to throw your effort away.

For instance, many people who buy or get courses don’t watch them

So only a handful will be committed to getting the results and fewer will share testimonials

It’s always better to sell your product for a low but reasonable price and incentivize people to give you a testimony as they use the product.

You can even mention on your sales page that the price will go up once you start getting testimonials


Wrapping It Up 

I’ve shown you three simple ways to create authority and clout to back up your claims

I don’t want you to think you have to choose only one

It becomes more powerful when you combine one, two, or all three of them.

I hope you’ve found one or three things you can apply in your future campaigns

If you’ve got any questions, leave a comment or send me an email.

Have fun!



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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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