How To Become A Person Of High Value

Over the years, I’ve sent several high-value lessons to my email subscribers Today I want to share 5 of them with you. I believe they will guide you on your path to becoming a high-value person But before we continue, here is a brief announcement for you: If you’re not yet subscribed to my email […]

Written By Godson

On May 24, 2024
___________ Updated May 24, 2024 @ 3:14 pm

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Over the years, I’ve sent several high-value lessons to my email subscribers

Today I want to share 5 of them with you. I believe they will guide you on your path to becoming a high-value person

But before we continue, here is a brief announcement for you:

If you’re not yet subscribed to my email list, you’re missing a lot. 

In my emails, I teach about business, marketing, and self-improvement.

My emails are usually fun to read and you’ll learn a lot just by reading them.

Sometimes, I send emails promoting my paid products, but even that is entertaining with a lot of lessons you can apply to your marketing

If you would like to join my list so you too can start getting these emails, you can sign up HERE


With that out of the way, let’s get started:


Lesson 1: Take Power Breaks!

Some years ago, while working on a web app project, we ran into some serious problems with the development of a feature because of an error in the original code base.

Because we were on a very tight deadline, we sprung into action immediately.

After hours of burning work without a solution, we were frustrated.

So I decided to take a break and clear my head for a couple of minutes, while my colleague battled on, hopelessly.

During my short “power” break, I decided to shower while thinking through the issue – and then I had a lightbulb moment.

It turned out we had been thinking about the problem wrongly the whole time which was why everything we tried failed.

I couldn’t wait to get back to my computer to deal decisively with this sneaky little error that got under our skin so badly.

Within the next 30 minutes, the problem was completely resolved.

That taught me a great lesson.

When you are trying to learn something new, or working on a difficult task and you’ve hit a roadblock…


Clear your head.


And think about the issue later on.

So guys, learn to breathe! You’ll find a way out soon.


Lesson 2: You’ll Become What You Think About A Lot

The person in the driver’s seat of your life is “your thoughts”

Your actions begin from your mind.

Your thoughts set the boundaries of your existence and experience.

Eventually, you’ll become what you think about the most.

That is why you must never be casual about the thoughts you allow into your mind.

So stop thinking negatively. Stop playing worst-case scenario. Stop overthinking things.

Force your mind to focus on your life goals, and it will figure out a way to make them a reality.

Train your mind to entertain positive visions using motivation, and you can overcome any storm.

Your life is in your mind. Think Positively.


Lesson 3: Change The Way You See Failure

I see people make this common mistake (when shit hits the fan)

That is… Paying too much attention to the “negative” edge.

Here’s what I mean:

Failure is the only way to success.

You have to fail (many times) to get it right


Overly religious folks “bind it”…

They pray against “their enemies” when it happens

Optimistic persons turn a blind eye in denial*

As though, that somehow makes it unreal

Pessimists don’t want to try at all.

They are too scared to fail.

This robs them of the valuable “success nuggets” each dose of failure contains.

Listen, if you want to succeed, you must accept failure for what it is:

The doorway to success.

Then you must learn to exhibit the right mental attitude in the face of dire circumstances.

When things go south, ask yourself 2 key questions:

(1) What can I learn from this?

(2) What can I do differently next time?

Make sure you write down your answers with pen and paper.

That way you’d evolve into a higher version of yourself.


Lesson 4: Invest In How You Rest

As a creative person, your level of productivity will mostly be determined by how much energy you have throughout the day.

So avoid watching movies all night, every night.

It’s good advice to stop getting drunk or consuming excessive sugar.

These things dip energy levels and even your work morale.

To make the best of your time, organize your day well in advance and cut off activities that steal your time (aimlessly scrolling on Facebook, for example).

Get quality sleep, at least 7 – 8 hours daily. Ask Doctors, they will tell you it’s true.

And when it’s time to replace your mattress, spare no expense in getting the best you can afford.

Get better pillows and softeners for added comfort. I have realized that – How you sleep is how you work!

Cheers to more productive days!


Lesson 5: Be Comfortable With Losses!

You don’t become wealthy by micromanaging your resources. You do this by creating value.

Many would rather eat a distasteful meal than let it go in the bin…

This explains why people of lower economic rank categorize many things the rich do as a waste of money

They talk about how the money “wasted” could have solved one problem or the other for several poor people.

Yet they do nothing from their little resources. Hypocrites!

To become truly rich, you must free yourself from the guilt and fear of making losses

You must begin to see it as a normal occurrence, and instead of trying to avoid it, try to learn what you can from each failed attempt.

The only wasted investments are the ones you don’t learn anything from

Speaking of learning, you might be interested in learning how to generate passive income from selling information products,

I should tell you that it is a very good business to start. It requires little capital and has the potential upside to bring in a lot of profits.

I’ve talked a lot about how many people including myself are making tens of thousands (Dollars) monthly from it.

Let me not preach too much about it, click this link to learn more about it if you want.


I hope you enjoyed reading these lessons but more importantly, I hope they change your life.

Have fun!

P.S. Here’s my announcement for you again:

If you’re not yet subscribed to my email list, you’re missing a lot. 

In my emails, I teach about business, marketing, and self-improvement.

My emails are usually fun to read and you’ll learn a lot just by reading them.

Sometimes, I send emails promoting my paid products, but even that is entertaining with a lot of lessons you can apply to your marketing

If you would like to join my list so you too can start getting these emails, you can sign up HERE

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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