How To Achieve BIG Things

Trying so hard to achieve an elusive goal? This fun & simple approach will help you find your path to getting it. Spencer Johnson in his best-selling book – Who Moved My Cheese – emphasized the need to adapt to changes in our environment That’s one lesson you need to constantly remind yourself about if […]

Written By Godson

On May 22, 2024
___________ Updated May 24, 2024 @ 8:48 am

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Trying so hard to achieve an elusive goal?

This fun & simple approach will help you find your path to getting it.

Spencer Johnson in his best-selling book – Who Moved My Cheese – emphasized the need to adapt to changes in our environment

That’s one lesson you need to constantly remind yourself about if you want to accomplish great things in your life.

It doesn’t matter what you want in life. Maybe, you want to start a business, find a partner, or get a new job.

The way to achieve them is the same.

In this article, I will share my secret for accomplishing my goals fast.

Before I share this secret with you, I want you to understand that everyone is faced with the same problem

We all want something that we don’t have right now

No matter how rich, affluent, and influential you are, there’s always something else.

It’s like a story in a movie. The moment there’s no new problem for the main character(s) to solve

You lose interest in the story

But if every time the protagonist overcomes an existing challenge, another one begins…

You will be hooked!

That’s how interesting stories are written

So don’t fret about challenges. They are nothing but opportunities to take you to another level

These challenges are only there to make your life’s story interesting.

Think of it like a game with a new level of difficulty

Nobody plays a game that’s too easy.

It’s the same with your life.

I hope you are getting my drift.

So how do you tackle new challenges or accomplish bigger goals?

My secret mindset hack for doing this is to…


I know you don’t know what that means yet

Just relax, I’ll explain shortly.

Picture this.

Let’s assume the goal is to live in a stranger’s house. Eat their food. and listen in on their conversion

How can this be pulled off?

One way would be to go to the target house, knock on the door, and ask them to let you in.

Sirens… would be the last music you’ll dance to, before getting in jail.

But what if instead of going as a person, you went as a spider, located a small crack in the wall, and voila!

You’re in.

Now this is clearly a hypothetical goal and solution.

But the lessons are what I want you to learn from.

When something you DESIRE is restricted to your current “form”

You need to try other “forms”

This is something hackers understand very well.

They have a repertoire of techniques and baits they apply to their target until they get in.

On the other hand, what most people do is to keep trying the same approach over and over again and then get frustrated!

That’s why a popular advice is to “Think outside the box”

Life is non-linear and so is everything you want

There is NO straight path to achieving fitness, financial freedom, or a peaceful marriage.

You have to navigate the system yourself and discover your own path

Learning to adapt, and adjust (change your form) is the way to get anything quicker and easier

For instance, when advertising, if your prospects are not responding to a type of message, change to another and another and another until you figure out what they want to hear.

You can change the angle of the message, change the type of prospects you’re talking to, change the media used to deliver the message, etc.

The possibilities are endless!

It’s the same for business and in your life. Keep changing “form”.

Never give up!

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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