To the realtor who wants to –

Get Rich Selling Real Estate

In Just A Moment, You’ll Discover How A New Technique – REVERSE REALTY ADVERTISING – Can Give You An Unfair Advantage To Earn Millions In Commissions Selling Real Estate From Anywhere You Are In The World ~ In Under 30 days!

Read that again, and let it sink in.

Dear Realtor,

My name is Godson, and in case we are meeting for the first time, I’m one of the leading Internet marketing consultants in Nigeria.

I have been consulted by top real estate companies and realtors to give them a winning edge in the world of selling property

Some of these folks you know who are making millions in commission are following a strict Internet marketing recipe

Prepared by yours truly.

I’m not saying all that to boast… but so that you can be confident that everything you are about to read would definitely help you get the results you seek.

Which are… to get more leads and close more deals

 And ultimately lead to a life of true financial freedom

A life where you never have to worry about money again.

But first you must accept one simple reality… 

If you want to get rich selling real estate, you don’t get rich by selling more property,

You get rich by selling a few luxury property.

It’s true. Look at the math:

To make a commission of N2,000,000 monthly… 

You can either:

– Sell 20 property with a commission of 100,000 or

– Sell 10 with a commission of 200,000 or

– Sell 5 with a commission of 400,000 or

– Sell 2 luxury property with a commission of 1,000,000 each

I’m guessing just by looking at that list, you already know that it’s going to be more difficult trying to sell 20 properties for N100k commission each month

So logically, the fewer the property you need to sell to hit your income goals, the greater your chances of reaching them.

And the fact is that, it is easier than you think to sell luxury property.

A few realtors I’ve worked with make N10,000,000+ (10 million) in commissions per property

So I know exactly what I am talking about.

And you are about to see that soon.

Now, the problem with selling luxury property is that…

It is difficult for a realtor to break into the circle of super rich & affluent clients without connections …or at least a referral.

For instance.

How do you get across and connect with a class of people who can – without over thinking or excessive haggling… doll out 100, 200, and even 500 million to purchase a property

Do you send them DM’s on LinkedIn? They may not respond and even if they did, it likely won’t develop into anything meaningful.

You’d look spammy. They already receive a ton of those.


Do you attend every “top” event to connect with them? This might work, but not quite as you’d imagine, because most of your complimentary cards would end up in the bin


What about referrals… this should work right? Referrals are great… but when it comes to getting referrals to the super rich, you need to have your skin long in the game, gradually walking your way up.

And that usually takes a lot of time to build (many years). It’s also not a consistent or predictable way for getting deal makers monthly.

So the question remains…

How Can A Realtor With Zero Connection And Influence, Break Into A Circle Of Super-Rich Prospects Looking To Buy Property?


Well, The answer is to…

Stop looking for them. Instead, get them to look for you.

We do this using a system I call – Reverse Realty Advertising (RRA)

You see, the traditional way of selling Real Estate have limited results because there, you are chasing prospects.

You have to reverse the situation, so it is them chasing you.

As you would imagine… this make closing deals – faster, easier and stress free.

So instead of jumping through hoops in search of clients,

You’d be having pressure-free closing conversations with prospects who have indicated that they are cash ready to buy your properties.

If you are wondering how it works, just let me explain…

RRA (Reverse Realty Advertising) is a combination of two powerful techniques,

I have never openly shared these except with my consulting clients (who retain my services for several thousands of dollars)

The first technique reveals 4 NEW Facebook and Instagram ad targeting strategies to reach ONLY super rich people who can spend 50m to 500 million+ on property investments (I promise you, you won’t find this anywhere else… )

And the second technique is my very own signature lead generation system that qualifies and pre-frames these leads so they are primed, ready to close.

By pre-frame, I mean – it sets them in buying mode.

Once you set up your ads using any the 4 simple targeting techniques I’ll show you, and send that HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC to the lead generation system…

It would look as though, you are getting personal request from multi-millionaires and even billionaires… in desperate need of a property.

I know you may have tried to run ads on Facebook, Instagram or Property websites without much luck in the past – but I tell you –

Once you discover how this is done, you’ll never want to return to your old ways of selling, ever again.

Having taught these to my clients privately, I recently decided that it was time to take the impact far and wide by creating a video course I’ve named –

Superior Lead Generation for Realtors


And by the time I was done distilling the full information into this course,

I knew I had created one of the tools that God will use to raise a new set of Multi-millionaire realtors (and even greater…)

I know you can’t wait to get your hands on this system, but before I show you how,

Come with me let me show you just a fraction of what you would get inside…

  • 3 NEW Facebook/IG Ad strategies for targeting super-rich real estate prospects (HINT: Copy key, Hotspot, and more extra targeting methods) and…
  • How to use Inverse targeting to target Nigerians in Diaspora who are interested in buying property back home
  • The right way to setup Real Estate Ads on Facebook/Instagram to hook and engage the right audience (This might be the singular reason why your previous ads didn’t yield results)

That is just the beginning, you will also Discover –

  • How to set up your own real estate funnel (with little to no extra cost) ~ in under 5 minutes
  • How to run ads for up to 10 properties in one (1) ad (Make the most of your ad spend while getting better results!)
  • How to use retargeting ads to follow-up and remind high-intent prospects to take action (by the way these are very cheap & super effective!)
  • And lot’s lot’s more…

Once you get a hold of the truths I teach in this course and apply it

You’ll be on your way to making cool millions every month.

But it is NOT for everyone… 

If you are –

– Looking for a get rich quick scheme or

A magic wand that does all the work for you, while you sit back and earn

A freeloader, who likes to get something for nothing and cannot invest money into purchasing resources that add value to your business

Then stay away. I refuse and I’m not willing to help you, because what I teach won’t work for you.

This is for action takers, who want to put their future and finances in their firm control – and are willing to pay any price for it

If you fit into the last category I just described, then come with me let’s talk about the price for the training.

How Much Does It Cost… Or Rather – How Much Is It Worth?

That was real question…

Let me ask you again:

What is this system worth to you?

A system that can help you –

  • Get more leads and close more deals easily
  • Become financially free, a position where you can (without stress) support your loved ones
  • Live your dream and best life, spending your time doing what you love
  • Become a prominent figure in your industry that everyone else looks up to
  • Afford your dream car, house, and set you in a position where you never have to worry about money again.

It’s got to be worth a lot to you, I guess.

It should be expensive.

At the barest minimum, we should price this for N150,000.

But you won’t pay that if you order now.

Because I truly believe in you and want you to succeed, I’m placing a bet that this course will help you achieve that by offering you an 66% discount.

Pay just N50,000 today and you can have all my Reverse Realty Advertising secrets for a lifetime.

I know you will be my next testimonial. Your success awaits you!

Click the button below and make your payment to get instant access.

I’ve also got a special mystery bonus (you’ll need) waiting for you on the next page

Get This Video Course for Just N50,000

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

A mystery bonus ('ll need) awaits you on the next page »

Over 200 Realtors Can’t Be Wrong!

Superior Lead Gen. For Realtors

At Last, A Simple Guide Any Realtor Can Use To Get Prospects Who Can Pay 50, 100, and even 500 million For Property Using Facebook Ads + My Lead Gen System

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

I just got my first commission of N1m ever! Thank you Godson – this wouldn’t have been possible without your lessons.

Sampson A.

Lagos, Nigeria

I feel guilty to just be send this now… because I’m truly indebted to you for my success. Before using your methods, I was a typical example of a struggling realtor. Ads never worked for me, it just waste my money and give me many unserious people. But using the method you taught, I now get serious rich prospects like water.

Tony A.

PH, Nigeria

After taking your training, I was able to sell 3 properties the very next month. the least property sold for N35 million. Before payig for your course I was skeptical, but Thank God I had the courage to take it.

Lilian O.

Abuja, Nigeria

Boss… I am loya….

Last month alone, I made close to 3,000,000. My company even gave me a surprise car gift based on my performance! Thanks boss, You too much.

David H.

Lagos, Nigeria

Superior Lead Gen. For Realtors

At Last, A Simple Guide Any Realtor Can Use To Get Prospects Who Can Pay 50, 100, and even 500 million For Property Using Facebook Ads + My Lead Gen System

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

Is This For You?

Now listen, if you haven’t enrolled yet, I really want to talk to you because, as great as this course is, I understand it’s absolutely not for everybody.

I really want you to be sure this is right for you when you enroll today

That’s why we should take a minute and just go through the pros and cons of what we’re about to do together.

The pros are it’s a proven method, My clients have been using it. I have a lot of experience in this one. I know what works, I know what doesn’t.

Another pro to this is you don’t need to close many deals to hit your financial goals (like I explained earlier)

Another pro is that you won’t need to spend a ton of money running ads because you don’t need that much traffic.

You don’t need to have any previous knowledge about setting up online advertising systems (because this is a practical course),

You don’t need to sell hard or make a gazillion follow-up calls, or suffer a “billion” rejections because henceforth, your leads would be primed to close before you even get a chance to call.

Listen, it’s not all roses, not everything’s perfect in this.

For example, I admit this isn’t the cheapest thing in the world. “This is an expensive training (for some).”

Also, this is going to take a pretty significant investment of time for you.

We have an investment of money & time and it’s not overnight. You have to work pretty hard to do this.

If you don’t have the time to do it, it’s not going to be of any benefit to you.”

Of course, there’s also always the question of, “What if it doesn’t work for me?”

Well, fact of the matter is it might not.

If you’re not willing to work hard, if you’re not willing to advertise, if you’re not willing to follow directions, if you’re not willing to stick through the inevitable challenges, it definitely won’t work for you and you shouldn’t enroll.

Well, you know, if after looking at all of this and if it looks like this makes sense to you. Then you really need to go ahead and enroll in the training today and don’t forget we’ve got bonuses and the offer is going to expire.

Click the button below to get instant access now »

Get This Video Course for Just N50,000

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

A mystery bonus ('ll need) awaits you on the next page »

Is It Worth The Price?

A lot of people tell me it is expensive.

Yeah I get it. It is.

Let’s fast forward a year from now and assume you’ve been following along and you actually implemented the system.

Your business is totally transformed. You now get more high quality leads than you can handle alone – you had to hire staff, and you’ve been able to permanently end your money worries with a flow of endless sales commissions

How would that feel? Well if you divide N50,000 by a year. It’s just N136 a day.

What’s more important?

  • N136 or being able to generate tons of super-rich leads already primed to close?
  • N136 or making more money in a month (from commissions) than most people make in a year?
  • N136 or the ease of closing property deals fast and becoming a highly respected name in the industry?
  • N136 or the incredible pride you feel, knowing that you took control of your life and finances?

Hey, if I need to, I’ll even send you a check for N136 to cover your first day if it’s that big of a deal to you.

Why? Because N136 is nothing. I’m not going to miss it and neither would you;

But, if that’s what it takes to help you get the results you deserve, I’ll have it on your doorstep tomorrow. Just call or email after you’ve enrolled and I’ll send it FedEx.

So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get instant access to the training 

Get This Video Course for Just N50,000

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

A mystery bonus ('ll need) awaits you on the next page »

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens After I Make Payment?

Once your payment is submitted, you will receive an automated email with your login details where you’ll be able to access the full training.

When Does The Training Hold?

The good news is that, this is a pre-recorded training. You would get instant access to watch all the videos immediately after payment. So you can start implementing the strategies right away.

Is It Just Theory & Motivation?

No my friend, while there are some theory, most of this training is practical. So you have to watch and implement along side me.

Do I Need a Laptop or Can I Use My Phone?

You may need a laptop for the set up – everything else can be done with a phone. In your situation, is it possible to get a laptop for a day or 2. If yes, then you have nothing to be worried about.

How Much Property Can I Sell With This?

Not to sound harsh but – it’s totally up to you. My private clients have been able to get leads for properties worth hundreds of million & even above a billion. Just implement and let the result speak for itself.

I am doubting my ability to implement this?

Well, I understand. Let your mind be at peace.

The videos were created with you in mind plus we have a fully active support you can engage if you run into any trouble while implementing it.

Is The Price Negotiable?

The answer is NO. If you can’t make the sacrifice to get the training that would help you spend your ad budget, time and effort wisely, then maybe this is not for you.

You can continue searching elsewhere but this is the lowest price you’ll ever get this for!

What Are The Delivery Details?

– 5 Modules
– 13
 video lessons
– 2 Text lessons

You don’t need to watch or consume every thing – just go straight to watch what you need except of course you are a complete beginner, then you can watch all the video lessons one after the other.

Get This Video Course for Just N50,000

N50,000 | Retail: N150K | Save 66%

A mystery bonus ('ll need) awaits you on the next page »

About Your Tutor

Godson is the Founder & CEO of & A stellar alumnus of YCombinator SUS, San-francisco California.

He speaks at several large events (across 3 continents), including the National Business Conference at Oriental Hotel in 2019.

He has also been featured side by side famous entrepreneurs like Akin Alabi (Founder Nairabet), Shola Akinade (Co-Founder, Paystack), and Iyan Carnevale (Co-Founder, Andela)

In total, Godson runs 5 different thriving online companies and is willing to show you what you need to do to replicate his success.

Get This Video Course for Just N50,000

Retail: N150K  | (Save 66%)