Advertising: How Create Ads That Make Money

Depending on who you ask, advertising can either be an investment or an expense Many entrepreneurs and marketers treat it as an expense. I was no different until I discovered the 3 Holy Rules Of Advertising. Right now? It’s an INVESTMENT I look forward to making because I am guaranteed a positive ROI.   Table […]

Written By Godson

On May 24, 2024
___________ Updated May 26, 2024 @ 10:36 am

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Depending on who you ask, advertising can either be an investment or an expense

Many entrepreneurs and marketers treat it as an expense.

I was no different until I discovered the 3 Holy Rules Of Advertising.

Right now? It’s an INVESTMENT I look forward to making because I am guaranteed a positive ROI.


Before I Found The Rules

Remember I said advertising budgets were an expense for me? Here’s exactly what was happening:

When it was. time to launch my ads, I would be scared to death because I had no clue what I was doing

I was a victim of “hope marketing” –

I was not sure if the ad would work or not.

If it doesn’t work, I’d have to pay out of pocket and eat the bread of sorrows!

I kept wasting my hard-earned coins until I discovered from reading several books by advertising legends.

Then I chose a few ad platforms to master (My favorite was Facebook Ads)

And my efforts paid off.

Today, I can sleep, wake up and set up ads because I know it’s an investment.

With the rules I write about in this article, I turn a profit from most of my campaigns

And even when things don’t go as planned, which happens a lot, I know exactly what to do

I talk about the entire process in a tutorial I’ve named – Debugging Facebook ads

Even though there’s “Facebook” in the name, the same lessons apply to other ad platforms

Overall, I make profits from 90% of my campaigns

Not surprisingly, my return on ad spend (ROAS) for some of my best campaigns is crazy high, that people find it difficult to believe

For example, I ran a Facebook ad campaign that produced 191X.

That means for every $1 I spent, I got back $191.

Surreal right?

I know. You can see the details about this case study and others on this page

But it’s not all 191X.

I am comfortable enough to show you not only my successes but also my failures.

My campaigns also get low ROAS like 1.2X – 2X…

But I will take that every day. Profit is profit!

Besides, I know how to Debug the ads and optimize them to produce better results


The 3 Holy Rules Of Advertising

Every successful marketing follows these rules.

You must follow these rules in the exact order I have described on this page

If you miss anyone, your campaign will struggle to convert.

Having said that, let’s get right into it.


#1. Understand Your Audience

Before you touch anything in marketing, your first task is to understanding your audience.

People don’t buy products they buy their wants.

If you don’t know what they want? Then you are screwed.

The easiest way to do this is to get the answers to the right questions.

You get those answers from your research. I explain how to do that in this article (Check the table of contents to see more)


#2. Engineer Desire

That’s just a fancy way of saying find out what they want and make them want it from you.

This is where most marketers fail.

You can’t go about advertising products/services

Your product or service must be converted into a “sizzling hot offer” that arouses desires

In fact, your ads need to be bubble-wrapped with the desires of your prospect.

Because spending money for most people is painful…

It’s like swallowing a bitter pill.

Good advertising is coating the pill with sweeteners

Which are their wants, needs, and secret desires.

If you do this, you’ll have their attention and wallets.

Once that’s out of the way, we need the 3rd and final step, which is…


#3. Preach To The Choir

For any marketing effort to yield results, the right offer must be presented to the right audience.

You must figure out the right target audience for your offer

Usually, these will be prospects who share the same trait with others who have spent money on a similar offer you’re selling.

Your product is not for everyone. Don’t try to sell to everyone, even if you sell food.

Identify the best groups of customers to show your offer, and develop a strategy to target them in your ads platform.


Wrapping It Up!

Advertising can be difficult for most people, but it shouldn’t be so.

If you follow all 3 steps I just shared with you.

You can go to bed, your ads are going to work.

There’s no need to refresh your ads manager a gazillion times.

There’s no need to check your emails 60 times in 1 minute.

It’s only a matter of time till your emails start buzzing.

No stress… Just certainty, freedom, and ultimately more money.

You can learn more about profitable advertising by watching my videos – Steriods For META Ads

I hope you found this useful. Don’t forget to share it with others.

Have fun!

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About Godson Okorodudu

Godson is a serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. He teaches about business, marketing, and self-development. His work has directly impacted over 26,000 people in 85 countries



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